Saturday, November 22, 2008

Responding to Comment # 027

Thanks, Ben, for posting that you, too, had flowers as your connection to the Anternet. Nice to know it’s not just me. Maybe we can figure out the strength of the plants and flowers?

As for lesson 4 – I have to tell you I just plain freaked out. There was so much synchronicity with stuff from my life that I was shaken. Since July I’ve had a strong, strong urge to visit the pyramid at Teotihuican in Mexico. I’m supposed to help the spirits of the dead there (if I’m understanding things correctly). You’ve been talking a lot about pyramids. My urge to go to one started BEFORE the class. Next – my astrologer told me I’d probably have a time of withdrawl in September. I was sure that wouldn’t be the case. It was. That happened BEFORE the class. You’ve been talking about dinosaurs. Many years ago I sent letters to my nephew with stories about my “friend” Bert Brontosaurus. That happened way before the class. For years my guides have been touching me, with my permission. That happened before the class. I was born in 1952 – I think that was the year you said the implants started. So did I. I’m also freaked out that I can read energy much more easily than I ever did before. That just started this year – just before the class.

I haven’t done the meditation for lesson 4 yet – too freaked out to try it. Since I usually have more courage than sense, I’m sure I’ll try it before the next class. I was just wondering if anyone else had that same kind of synchronicity and “oh, my” feeling listening to lesson 4?
Chari, Horsham, PA, USA.

Hi: It is great to be at the forum and be able to share experiences. Ben from comment#18. I think there might be something to learn from insects. I had quite an experience after the second meditation. It did not happen during the meditation, but when I went to bed, through my third eye, I was in the midst of thousands of ants. I opened my eyes and I saw with my seeing eyes, I was surrounded by thousand of ants. All I could see was light shooting through their feelers, connecting to other ant's feelers. The feelers were vibrating very quickly and erratically, not in one direction, and then a shooting light, like firing of electricity would shoot through and connect to other ants. I thought this was a lesson in learning how they communicate. I am trying to work with this. I listen to my brain, increase the vibration until the top of my brain starts to pulsate and tingle, and I can actually feel some sort of firing going on. There is an energy sensation of quick vibrational movements expanding the top of my brain on both left and right, the whole crown of my head. It is not that comfortable, but interesting. Sometimes I think I am loosing it, but I know I am pretty solid and have my feet on the ground. Has anyone else experienced similar? Love and Light, Sherry, Grand Bend, Ontario

Responding to Comment # 036

Lori's response to Rich from Caledon

Thanks for your comments Rich, I am deeply honored to hear that you can not hear a 'human agenda' in the material. That means a great deal to me. I aim to be channeling with the neutrality and clarity that is THE ANTERNET. I am smiling!

Kind regards from Lori

Hey, I am new to the Seminar. Howdy out there to all of you. I have read a fair bit over the last 8 years about physics, new age ideas and some pretty far out extra terrestrial thinking. I must say, I find the information that Wilson is channeling from the Anternet refreshingly neutral. I can't really hear a "human agenda' in the lessons. Rich, Caledon, ON, CAN

I am thorougly enjoying learning about the Anternet. The meditations are so interesting. I am a verbal person and yet in the Anternet there seems to be no words needed. It's new for me to get wisdom from there with only pictures and feelings. Thank you so much for bringing this new teaching to us and as always thank you for Grandmother [on the Council Fire Member teachings]. A day would just not be the same without the two of you. With love, Helon from Alabama, USA

Responding to Comment # 031

Thanks Charles for the suggestion to do the meditations while looking at the logo. I tried that this week and I think it helped. In some of the lectures I was finding myself sort of not listening, or maybe going somewhere while listening, maybe even to the Anternet. I think I will try listening to the lesson 3 again while looking at the logo. I like the images of the people in it and the pyramid - or I suppose it is a pyramid.
J.M. Bonavista, Ontario, CAN

Anyone have suggestions on how to stay focused in the lessons. I get so distracted. It's like my mind is racing 100 miles an hour and I can not concentrate. Help please. M.T. from Toronto, Ontario , CAN

I enjoyed lesson 4 this week. It is so much to think about. I had heard of this concept of implants, but like very much the way the information from THE ANTERNET chooses to show it to us. I think it is good we acknowledge our position in the Universe and remember we have help out there. I too agree with Ben from Arizona that I was touched to learn we are a species that has survived without any natural connection. I am so proud to be human. I know we have many shortcomings, but I am inspired. Thanks, looking forward to next week. Nancy from Quebec City, Canada

Hey fellow travelers

I tried a neat experiment and did the meditation this week while staring at the logo on the website for THE ANTERNET. That was mind-blowing! I felt like I went into all the planets in the logo and yet at the same time the became my skin and cells too. I am curious if anyone has tried using the logo in this way too or what your general impression is of the picture in the logo? Charles Beech Toronto, ON, Canada

Responding to Comment # 029

Lori's response to F.L from Rockwood

I love everything I do and have been gathering the channeled wisdom from THE ANTERNET for over 2 years now. I was thrilled to bring new information forward. I take a full work day day to prepare and record each Lesson. It is my favorite day of the week. Of course, while it only takes an hour or a bit more to actually record it, I enjoy the prep time and spending the majority of the time in the energy of THE ANTERNET. I do allot of the tone-drumming. My cats love it. How I fit it all in, I am never sure. There are not too many spare moments in any given day. Being a parent of 4 busy kids I think trains me to maximize my time. My husband Stewart makes all the technical matters happen and keeps us all sane in the meanwhile. I could not do any of the work I love and share without his strong support. Thanks for asking!

Hugs from Lori ox

Lori, what I want to know is how you have time to do all this stuff? I have been a student and Council Fire Member for 2 years. I know how busy you are. How are you making the time to get all this new information to us? I am grateful. How do you fit it all in? F.L. Rockwood, Ontario. Canada

I can hardly wait for Fridays so I can try the new meditations. This week after lesson 3 I traveled with the energy of the dinosaurs as teacher. I had no experience with them before, but they were the ones who came this time. I was humbled by how much they showed me, all without a single word. I can hardly wait to do it again this week and see what the other corners of the pyramid will teach. Thanks for the eye opener!
Greg N. Ohio, USA

I was moved to tears to consider the question we were to ponder looking down upon our planet from the Anternet space this week. I have felt so much more compassion for myself and for people close to me that were driving me crazy. If I get nothing else from this seminar, I will be satisfied with my softer heart.

I also have to share with Chari from comment #20, I too got a sort of plant or flower in my meditation as my own individual pyramid vector. If you find out what they mean, let me know. It sure wasn't what I wanted or expected either! I was looking for something far more macho. HA!
Ben L. from Arizona, USA

It is very educational to finding out what the Anternet is and what it is not that was in Lesson 3. I had no idea that there were so many places to gather wisdom in the Universe. many blessings to you Lori for your guidance. K M-H from Brazil

I just finished lesson 2 meditation and found out that my 4th helping corner of the pyramid was a virus. I never imagined a virus to be a teacher, but I am pretty excited to find this out. I know I could not be making this up. Thanks for the fun learning. Nancy from Quebec City, Canada

Responding to Comment # 023

Hi Leah,

Thanks for sharing your experience with Lesson 2. I would imagine that several of us will feel as if we are drifting in and out of connection with the material and the energies we are meeting in THE ANTERNET.

We will all assimilate different pieces of the lessons and meditations in our own unique ways and pace. Doing the meditations at different times, even over many weeks should help to acclimatize yourself to the cognitive/conscious information that is being shared but also harmonize yourself to the frequencies we are exploring at a very different energetic/supraconscious level.

If you find yourself "spacing away" while reading that last sentence ... chances are you are on the right track!

Hugs from Lori xo

Anternet friends,

Try, try, try again, I am having so much trouble getting the info from lesson 2 into my brain. The odd thing is that most of the information is familiar yet somehow my left brain is not following.

I have been doing the meditations and usually move in and out of being aware of the details that we are being guided to imagine. The order of where I imagine the 4 aspects at the base of the pyramid is constant and so much happens in each meditation session.

Today I felt myself moving out into the Anternet so I quickly turned on the meditation. I could feel the sound from the drum pulsing through my whole body. As I tried to follow the guided imagery, it felt like the information was all alien to me.

Last weeks info and meditation was so strong for me, and this week leaves me wondering if I am taking the same seminar that is being delivered or if I am on some other tract altogether.

Even though I am some what dumbfounded, truly it is all quite amusing.

Blessings, Leah Ottawa, On Canada

Now, my comments so far to date about the Anternet teachings.

This material is a HUGE validation of so many of my interests in this life that have always been "poo- pooed" by most! I just love it that what stirs me is so very awesome , indeed! I am always asking about these creatures!

A far as cats go, I swear, back in the late 90's, I kept thinking I had a tail! a black panther tail, at that! I would joke around about it. I decided to keep it as a phantom tail...! Ha!

Also, I love the comment about the cricket song .... I had just seen one right before .... I know that sound; I hear it all the time........ and I only had the song "The Sound of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkle to go by!!!!, to relate it to.

and traveling on the sounds you provide is very nice!

Thank you and this calm awesome place!
Shoshee Florida, USA

I just started the Seminar today and I am enjoying learning and expanding my understanding of the universe. It makes so much sense. Thanks for this great opportunity. M.T. from Toronto, Ontario , CAN

Hi Lori,

Thanks for your help last week. I didn’t experience any irritation with the meditation this week at all. I didn’t mind the sound of the bell and didn’t have any extra thoughts stick to me as I came back through the 200 mile marker. I was extra aware of that zone as we came back from the Anternet but had no negative experience with it.

During your Week 2 lecture you mentioned our unique connecting energy to the Anternet. As soon as you mentioned that, I had a strong, strong image of flowers. I was hoping for a much stronger energy, such as panther, snake or dragon for my connection to the Anternet. I work with dragons a lot so was really hoping they would be my connection. Nope. When I listened to the meditation, I “saw” many different images of flowers. Having had class with you before, I knew I should not throw away the image just because it wasn’t at all what I expected. But, Lori, flowers? Sweet, gentle, sway in the breeze flowers? I was so hoping for panther to be the connection.

I’ll keep you posted on what happens next. Flowers.
Chari from Pennsylvania, USA

I have been reading along with the Forum since my friend told me about it last week. Very interesting. I just signed up today and listened to the first two lessons. Now I can hardly wait till next week! I always suspected the dinosaurs went somewhere. Won't it be neat if we could learn to trust as big as they did and just travel wherever we want. That will be amazing. Thanks. K.N. Nepean, Ontario, CAN

Sherry, from comment # 14, I am with you. I heard a kind of cricket noise too when I was doing the meditations. Do you think maybe we are tuning in to the frequency we are to learn like insects and animals can perceive. Thanks for sharing your experience. It helps me go further into mine.
Ben from Arizona, USA

Just joined today. This is so fun. So far, I can identify with everything in the talks. It's like I already knew it, but you are talking it outloud. HA. Fun. Pete from Alabama, USA

I am from the UK and wondered if anyone else was listing and learning from this side of the world? I had heard about Lori when she was over teaching Medical Intuition a few years ago. I look forward to learning more. It would be nice if we could learn in a classroom too so we could meet one another. Cheers! B.A. from Scarborough, UK

Anternet Friends,

I was pleased to read the comments and response about being “irritated”. The past two days I too have experienced something similar. It doesn’t last long (up to an hour) of just feeling off, or so serious, or heavy in my physical and emotional body.

When I remember, it is easy enough to consciously prompt myself to do something that will shift my perception and expand my energy field back to my own vibration.

I have noticed myself moving in and out of Anternet consciousness throughout the day. The feeling is especially strong when I am in the pool swimming under the water, during morning writing practice, and times when my awareness is free to just be.

Funnily enough, I have also noticed the world getting along just fine without me doing anything; it is a great reminder that we are human beings not human doings. A great benefit of this is an increased sense of freedom to hang out at the bus stop where all things converge. Blessings, Leah - Ottawa, On Canada

Hi Lori

I am really enjoying the Anternet. The meditation background sounds like crickets with a higher vibration and whenever I focus up even before hearing the Anternet meditation, I hear that sound in my brain. I thought it was the sound of my brain.

This sounds strange but, I have always wondered what that sound in my brain was. Doing the meditation I experience, first, the top of my brain feels like a pressure pushing up and opening and a slight pain, then a hollow nothingness and a dark funnel enters the top of my head, with an open nothingness feeling that enters the left and right side of the top of my brain. This funnel goes down deep into my soul opening it with a feeling of, the only word I can think of is nothingness. I love the feeling and when I return to earth, everything closes up. I can hardly wait until Fridays!!!!!!!!!! Love and Light Sherry

Responding to Comment # 012

Hi Lori

Your email made perfect sense to me. Yes, it makes a lot of sense that I would stop off at the 200 mile mark. The feelings I had have happened when I picked up "hitchhikers" during a soul walk. I didn't remember that when the thoughts were roiling around in my head. Maybe I need better shields while I do this work? But then how do I feel / know everything? Maybe a guide will have a solution that hasn't occurred to me. I'll ask for some help.

Please feel free to post what I wrote if you think it would be helpful to others. You can use my name, no problem for me.

Feeling much better about going on to week 2. More courage than sense I suppose. I trust you 100% - always have and likely always will. Thanks very much for your help. I'm breathing again. Chari from Pennsylvania, USA

Responding to Comment # 011

Dearest Chari,

Thank you for your note and genuine sharing. I do welcome all feedback and it may support others who have had similar experiences, so would value posting it with my response here if you decide "yes". I know of a few others who did not like the bell/tone and in fact, I was fairly sure that would be the case. It is not really like any typical meditation tone or pace, at least that I am familiar with. In looking at your comments I suspect that you may have gotten 'irritated' as we passed the 200 mile mark in the meditation, en route to THE ANTERNET. As you recall from the Lesson 1 that is the space that is more like our 'observatory' for the more dense energies we dance with here on Earth. Given your passion and focus in in helping others 'cross over' professionally, you probably are familiar with many of these layers already and might have taken a bit of an energetic 'pit stop' at this observatory. This would likely be just because you know the energy and would want to make sure all was well there, that the energy was keeping a good eye on things. As you know, because you can track well ... the feelings of depression and "my life is worth nothing" is likely not yours but rather the collective feelings and thoughts of the energies being tracked/observed at the 200 mile mark. In you sharing your truth, I believe we can all learn about ourselves, about energy and this new journey together.

Please let me know any further feedback to this observation and if you would like me to post our dialogue. I am honored to have your trust. I am confident I can keep it.

Much respect and love from Lori xo

Not sure if this is the type of comment you were looking for or not. Probably not.

I listened to the first lecture Saturday evening. I took notes and I followed everything you said. As soon as the lecture was done, I listened to the meditation. I remember thinking I didn’t like the sound of the bell at all but you must have picked it for a reason. I ended the meditation rather abruptly and that is unusual for me. As I went downstairs to fix and eat dinner, I was very depressed with thoughts that my life was worth nothing. I had not felt that way before I listened to the class or the meditation. These thoughts persisted until I ate dinner. I ate dinner later than normal since I wanted to finish listening the the class before I ate, but it was only about 8 pm when I had dinner. Once I ate dinner, my mood changed back to being “normal” and no more thoughts that my life was worth nothing.

I’m pretty sure that’s not the kind of comment you wanted for your web page. I thought I would share it with you just in case someone else also had a similar reaction. Since I trust you completely and know where ever you lead is a safe place for me to go, I was pretty surprised by this. I’ll see what happens with this week’s lecture. Sorry – I know this probably isn’t what you were hoping for. Chari from Pennsylvania, USA

Hi Lori & Grandmother,

Just a quick note to thank you for answer my question [on the Radio Show] about Zorro! He is a he [cat] with a very dry, but quite funny sense of humor. I started listening to the Anternet lecture after the radio show and noticed that Zorro was sitting right next to me taking it all in. I expect he'll be right there as I do the meditation as well. Watch out for black and white cats in space! :-) I do want to let you know that it was really nice and interesting to her more about your background, so thanks for sharing all that!

Will keep you posted! love
Allison & Zorro in California, USA

Dear Lori:

I love your teaching style in how you can take the unknown and ground it in such a way that makes it tangible and easy to grasp. I now have words and the language to help make sense of and to communicate what we know to be true. Thank you.

For me, your meditation gave me quite a surprise when I arrived at the “Anternet”. It’s a place I’ve been to several times before. I never really did anything there before except just kind of “hang out” and feel nice. I am excited and look forward to exploring more with you and this unique place.

Thank you for your courage to bring forward this unique seminar at a time that we are so ready to hear and experience new concepts and ways of being.

The logo is beautiful. How did you come up with it? .earth, sun, stars, planets, lightning, light .... unique symbol...i really like it. Much love to you….xo Karen from Burlington, Ontario

Lori, fellow students, and the Anternet,

How thrilling to join in this adventure.

I have been doing the meditation daily and find it so supportive to begin to tune into what is available through this process. I look forward to consciously learning about the Anternet and discovering ways to interface with this launching pad into other worlds and to information that can be useful to all of us in our daily earth walk.

Thank you for this experience; how timely for us to have this opportunity to surrender our smaller perceptions into the greater whole. Blessings, Leah from Canada

Gutsy move Lori. Then again, you have always been gutsy bring in new things out in the open in such a friendly way.

If I can ask a question to the others who are doing the Seminar, how did the tone that was in the first meditation affect you? I loved it, although at first the different sort of sound was a bit irritating. Just curious if others got to travel to the Anternet and how they liked the ride there? Cheers. Micheal from Albany, NY, USA.

I have been missing you here in Brazil. So glad we can be reunited in the learning of this Anternet. M.T. Sao Paulo, BR

Congratulations on your latest success. My cousin has told me about you for years and I have never done anything with you, or even like this before. I listened to lesson 1 and found it very informative. I have no idea what we are going to learn or where we are going, but it seems very comfortable and exciting. It is nice to meet you on-line. Gerri O. Burlington, Ontario, CAN

ooohhhhhhhhh this is sooo god!!!!! i mean, goooooood!!!!! good god!!! aho! S.S. Florida, USA

Anything you and Grandmother do is wonderful. Sorry, just forgot that this is not channeled from Grandmother. Well, anything you introduce me to is bound to change my life. Here we go again! Pam from Canada

Thanks for giving us such a grounded tour in the first class. Looking forward to hearing more about all the animals and beings in Lesson 2. I have always felt connected to dragons and wonder if there are any still on the Earth? Ben L. from Arizona, USA

Just started THE ANTERNET series and must tell you, I am impressed. You have taken some pretty wild material and put it into a format that anyone can enjoy! Thanks for pioneering. K.P. Washington, USA

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